We had completed the fire pit area, water zone, planters, digging pit, willow construction, pulley systems, balance area, built the shed, tunnel labyrinth, hill, steps and ladders.........only the fitting out of the 'Making Shed' to go!
This was the final piece of the jigsaw, building benches and tables so that the children can build, create, plan and make for themselves.
The canvas is blank.

We'd done lots of thinking about how we hoped the children would use the space and what kinds of resources would be available. These things shaped the interior space.

After a long but very productive day of team work (it really was a family effort!) it all comes together.

It was really important to have a variety of work places. Creating moveable work benches means that the work places are as flexible as possible. They can be moved outside to support making across the whole of the outdoor space.

These workbenches offer different possibilities to the fixed bench. This design encourages communication and chat as children work opposite one another, noticing what one another has done, offering ideas and asking questions.
A small lip of plywood, means that resources are not constantly falling on the floor, a real bonus at tidy up time!
